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Human Resources

The team that is responsible for hiring, growing and delighting Flyters.

From Administrative to Operations, if you are passionate about helping people grow, look no further!

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We are on a MISSION

Building the team that builds FlytBase

Here’s the team that builds the team that builds FlytBase. From people success to ensuring each new Flyter enjoys a seamless onboarding experience, the human resource team.
Internal events to operations that make sure an organization is working like a well-oiled machine, the human resource team is an important part of FlytBase.

Building the team that builds FlytBase

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Questions on your mind? We have the answers.
What is the role of an HR at FlytBase?

Great question! Our HRs have various diverse roles, from recruitment, and admin to operations and people success, the HR team has a long list of duties. You can check them out at our jobs page.

What is the primary focus of the HR team at FlytBase?

At FlytBase, the HR team is dedicated to fostering a positive and productive work environment. Our focus is on recruiting top talent, developing employee skills, and maintaining a culture that supports innovation and teamwork.

How does the HR team at FlytBase help support diversity and inclusion?

Diversity and inclusion are at the heart of our company culture. We strive to create an environment where everyone, regardless of their background, feels valued and empowered.

Do the recruiters have a monthly target?

No, we don’t believe in binding people with numbers. There is no fixed target of hiring that our recruiters have to finish. We at FlytBase believe in putting our best foot forward and not guiding our activities with just targets.

What is the application process?

For most roles, the hiring process at FlytBase comprises 4 evaluation rounds. The HR team conducts the first round - the screening round, once we receive an application. The second round - the Technical Interview round is taken up by Hiring Managers of respective teams at FlytBase. Post the technical interview, the candidate is usually expected to work on an assignment. After receiving the submission, the final round- the Culture Fit round is conducted by our CEO/Directors.