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Meet the Product Design Team

At FlytBase, product design isn't just a team, it's a journey driven by customer insights, a supportive culture, and a commitment to building a global product. 

If this excites you, we look forward to having you on board.

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We are on a MISSION

About Us

The Product Design team or the team that is often mentioned as the craftsmen of how FlytBase is perceived by its customers.
Working closely with cross-functional teams, this team brings our vision to life, from concepts to reality.

About Us

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Turn problems into solutions

Questions on your mind? We have the answers.
How will I design a deep-tech product without having any experience in the industry?

Regardless of the type of product, the design process remains the same. Empathize, define, ideate, prototype and test. Technical skills can be learned on the job, solving user’s problems is what matters to us.

What kind of problems will I be solving being a part of the Product Design team?

You will be solving interesting aviation problems where people are working with multiple drones for different use cases like surveillance, inspection, etc. To learn more about the various use cases of automated drones, click here

How do you conduct user research to make your product more user-friendly?

Since providing for what the customer needs is one of the main goals of the Product Design team, we usually collaborate with the Customer Success team at FlytBase and frequently go on calls to understand the user’s requirements.

What role does cross-functional collaboration play in product design at FlytBase?

Our Product Design team works closely with various departments, including Engineering, Marketing, and Sales, to ensure a holistic approach to design. This cross-functional collaboration allows us to understand and integrate technical feasibility, market trends, and customer feedback into our design process.

What is the application process?

For most roles, the hiring process at FlytBase comprises 4 evaluation rounds. The HR team conducts the first round - the screening round, once we receive an application. The second round - the Technical Interview round is taken up by Hiring Managers of respective teams at FlytBase. Post the technical interview, the candidate is usually expected to work on an assignment. After receiving the submission, the final round- the Culture Fit round is conducted by our CEO/Directors.