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Web Development

The web development team at FlytBase builds reliable software that is used by our partners all over the world.

If you are interested in working with new technologies in an environment that challenges you daily, you’ve come to the right place.

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We are on a MISSION

Bringing visual designs to life on the FlytBase dashboard

Meet the team that brings visual designs to life. The web development team at FlytBase is responsible for everything: from visuals to functionalities, making sure everything is up and running for our partners globally.
For us, software development is all about the two Cs- Customer and Codes!

Bringing visual designs to life on the FlytBase dashboard

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Continuous learning

Questions on your mind? We have the answers.
What are the technical requirements I need before applying as a web developer?

Great question! Please refer our jobs page for a detailed list of skills and qualifications required.

What technologies and frameworks does the Web Development team at FlytBase typically work with?

Our team works with a variety of modern technologies and frameworks to build robust web applications. This includes, but is not limited to, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, and Python. We also use version control systems like Git, and we're always exploring new technologies that can enhance our development processes and product offerings.

How can I make sure I clear the interview rounds?

Great question! At FlytBase our hiring process consists of four rounds. Clearing all of them does become a task but to ensure you clear these rounds, you can refer to our internships page which has all information about these rounds.

What is the approach to project management and workflow within the Web Development team?

At FlytBase, we adopt an agile project management approach, emphasizing flexibility, collaboration, and customer feedback. Our workflow includes regular sprint planning, stand-ups, and retrospectives to ensure projects are on track and team members are aligned.

What is the application process?

For most roles, the hiring process at FlytBase comprises 4 evaluation rounds. The HR team conducts the first round - the screening round, once we receive an application. The second round - the Technical Interview round is taken up by Hiring Managers of respective teams at FlytBase. Post the technical interview, the candidate is usually expected to work on an assignment. After receiving the submission, the final round- the Culture Fit round is conducted by our CEO/Directors.