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There is always something to learn in Marketing.

If you are not afraid of trying new things, being creative and exploring new ideas, you have come to the right place.

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We are on a MISSION

Strategising marketing activities that cater to global audiences

Meet the team behind our compelling visuals and branding collaterals, the team that blends creativity and innovation with drone tech and curates content that caters to global audiences.
From hosting NestGen, an annual global drone autonomy-focused event to building, strategizing and planning content that resonates with partners, customers and audiences scattered across the globe, the Marketing team does it all!

Strategising marketing activities that cater to global audiences

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Building a brand

Questions on your mind? We have the answers.
What does a normal day as a Marketer at FlytBase look like?

Fun question! Being a part of the marketing team at FlytBase is full of exciting new campaigns and a lot of creativity. From daily sync-ups to evening sessions where we get together and discuss our learnings, new and latest articles and more, our team runs their creativity at full force!

I don’t have B2B product marketing experience, can I still apply?

Yes, despite your background or your current course/job, you can apply to be a part of the marketing team. If not product marketing, there are various sections in the team that you can choose to be in including the Creative Marketing team and the Mar-tech team.

What are the creative and the mar-tech teams under the marketing team?

We are glad you asked! The marketing team is subdivided into four different teams- the communication team, the mar-tech team, the creative design team and the talent marketing team. Each team has a separate role yet they all come together to help FlytBase build a global brand identity.

Can I apply to multiple roles in the marketing domain?

YES! You can apply to all roles that excite/interest you. We will be glad to go through your candidature!

What is the application process?

For most roles, the hiring process at FlytBase comprises 4 evaluation rounds. The HR team conducts the first round - the screening round, once we receive an application. The second round - the Technical Interview round is taken up by Hiring Managers of respective teams at FlytBase. Post the technical interview, the candidate is usually expected to work on an assignment. After receiving the submission, the final round- the Culture Fit round is conducted by our CEO/Directors.